Is your computer infected with malware?

Has your computer been running slow lately? Are you getting a bunch of unwanted pop-ups? Then it’s possible your system’s security has been breached. Being able to identify whether or not your computer is infected with malware will allow you to quickly come up with antivirus solutions to protect your system. This means you’ll be […]

Should you monitor your employees online?

To monitor your employees, or not to monitor, that is the topic of this blog post today. If you’ve ever considered monitoring your staff’s online activities, you may’ve been lost as to whether or not it’s the right decision. So we’ve listed the pros and cons of doing it, and some tips to make it […]

10 Tools to help you get ahead in social media

Social media marketing can be time consuming. You may spend hours upon hours trying to get it right and still see little growth in your followers. So what can you do to be more effective and save time in the process? Here are ten tools that can streamline your social media efforts and even offer […]

Why BI is for everyone

If you’ve managed to convince yourself that only large enterprises have the money to take advantage of Business Intelligence (BI), it’s time to think again. While it’s true that in the past you needed the help of pricey specialists to really delve into BI, these days a range of self-service tools mean that small- and […]

Healthcare’s technological makeover

We may expect to find computers everywhere these days, from our offices, schools and airports to our pockets and wrists, but until now there’s not been much call for computers in our hospital operating rooms. But new technology is making waves in healthcare circles and could even save lives by helping surgeons and physicians make […]