Due to increasing connectivity and technological advances, mobile workers are increasingly becoming the norm in almost every industry. Business owners need to ensure these workers stay connected, so we’ve got some helpful tips in how to effectively apply mobile performance management. The ability to manage the workforce out in the field requires a modern support […]
5 tips on keeping mobile workers connected
Safety tips for watering hole attacks
Bad news, internet users: Cybercriminals have developed more advanced tricks to compromise your systems. While you may be familiar with attacks involving suspicious emails, the new kid on the block known as watering hole attacks are far more nefarious and effective. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to keep yourself safe. What […]
Blockchain is much more than Bitcoin
Blockchain technology is very complex. So instead of diving in to what makes it work, we want to first showcase what it’s capable of. The primary purpose of blockchain is faster and more secure information exchanges, which has led to some incredible advances in small-business technology. Read on to see what you might be missing […]
3 tips to maintain a secure Facebook account
In March 2018, disturbing reports circulated on the web that revealed a company named Cambridge Analytica harvested confidential details of 50 million Facebook accounts. If you’re concerned that your private details are being passed around by private companies, consider the following 3 tips to maintain a confidential Facebook profile. Download your Facebook data The thought […]
Secure PHI with tech defenses
News regarding hospital data breaches that disclose thousands of medical records emerge at a distressing rate, yet these attacks shouldn’t really come as a surprise. All this valuable data will cost a hefty price on the black market, which makes them great incentives for cybercriminals. Counter this by arming your team with the best systems […]