4 ways to boost staff efficiency

Technology enables businesses to work remotely, collaborate more efficiently, and manage their time more effectively. But to achieve these benefits, you need to implement technologies that align with your business’s needs. Here are some things to consider. Change office communication To increase efficiency, set up instant messaging software such as Slack or Microsoft Teams. This […]

What are 2-step and 2-factor authentication?

In the digital age, cybersecurity should be one of the top priorities for anyone who goes online. One way is to vet those who are trying to access your systems. But when it comes to verifying users’ identity, many are unaware of the two kinds of authentication measures available. Read on to know the differences […]

Secure healthcare data from hackers

Healthcare providers are vulnerable to cyberattacks because their industry is lucrative. People and even government institutions spend so much money on their medical bills, thanks to emerging markets and aging populations. Advances in technology have transformed paper medical records to digital files that can easily be stored and accessed, but can also easily be stolen […]

How OMSs help empower eCommerce

Talk of business trends usually revolves around process optimization and efficiency rather than just volume. As such, order management systems (OMSs) are gaining popularity, thanks in large part to their ability to provide immediate results. First off, we need to clarify that inventory management systems (IMSs) are not the same as OMSs. The former is […]

Warning signs your computer has malware

With the rise of eCommerce and online banking, cybercrime has evolved. Like criminals who pull smash-and-grab jobs, they go where the money is. However, unlike bank robbers, cybercriminals do their best to avoid detection by letting malware do the work for them. Viruses and ransomware sneak into PCs to quietly steal passwords, financial credentials, and […]

BCP tactics to keep your business running

Whether your business is hit with a brief power outage or by a natural disaster, any kind of interruption to your organization’s productivity cuts into your profits. A business continuity plan (BCP) is critical to ensuring your organization stays open. Here are some of the key strategies many companies rely on. Backup your data, applications, […]

Monitoring employees online: Is it right?

The choice to monitor your employees’ computers or not is a tricky one. While part of you may think it’s unethical, it could end up saving you hours of lost productivity or preventing a data breach. Here are some pros and cons of employee monitoring, and some tips to handle it fairly if you decide […]

Social media tips for your small business

Is your small- or medium-sized business (SMB) using social media and content marketing strategies to boost profitability? If not, it’s about time you do. Your competitors are already doing the same, so you have to find ways to make sure you rise above the crowd. Here are a few tips to get you started. Create […]

Automate mundane emails to get more done

Everyone wishes we had more time to spend in a day. Between repetitive emails and seemingly endless meetings, it’s hard to find time for important tasks. Thanks to the increasing affordability of enterprise-level IT, however, SMBs can start getting at least half of those problems under control with email automation. What is email automation? Usually […]

Disruptive technologies in healthcare

Corporate giants like Microsoft, Google, and Apple are cultural icons because their software and hardware innovations have been, dare we say, revolutionary. In the not-too-distant future, we’ll be looking back and marveling at how healthcare once existed without some of the radical-sounding technologies that are tantalizingly close to becoming reality. The “internet of things” The […]