
How did WannaCry spread so far?

By now, you must have heard of the WannaCry ransomware. It ranks as one of the most effective pieces of malware in the internet’s history, and it has everyone worried about what’s coming next. To guard yourself, the best place to start is with a better understanding of what made WannaCry different. Ransomware review Ransomware […]

Protect your data from WannaCry

This month, ransomware has taken center stage yet again. WannaCry has already infected thousands of users around the world. In true ransomware fashion, WannaCry holds user data hostage until the victim decides to pay the ransom. What’s more alarming, however, is that the global success of this malware will likely spawn even more potent variants. […]

Boost your SMB’s social media presence

Many small- and medium-sized businesses utilize some type of social media or content marketing strategy. But since your competitors are possibly using similar platforms, you have to constantly find new ways to make your company stand out. Here are some tips to leverage the power of social media and content marketing to your business’s advantage: […]

Do ugly websites really cost you money?

eCommerce websites take longer to create than regular websites. That’s because finding the right plugins and fine-tuning other components such as the blog page takes a lot of time. Only when you’re certain that everything’s in place should you go live with your website. Until then, take the time to double-check everything; the last thing […]

21st century challenges to patient privacy

A few generations ago, healthcare workers had far fewer opportunities to gossip about patients. But with social media and instant messaging, healthcare employees have plenty of opportunities to breach information before realizing what they’ve done. Consider some of these IT solutions to avoid a breach at your practice. Celebrity hospital visits Under HIPAA’s privacy rule, […]

Homographs: the newest trend in phishing

So much of cybersecurity depends on adequate awareness from users. Phishing for example, preys on people’s fears and desires to convince them to click on hyperlink images and text before checking where they actually lead to. However, with the latest trend in phishing, even the most cautious users can get swept up. Read on to […]

Back up your mobile devices now

Mobile phones’ sizes and styles went through massive changes in the last few years. And as their looks and dimensions changed, so did their functions. With better capacity and bigger storage, mobile phones turned into veritable mini-computers that businesses were quick to adopt as a vital office tool. Naturally, hackers got the memo. With new […]

Why you should review social media policies

With more and more social media platforms popping up all the time, it can be tough to keep track of social media policies and assess their effectiveness. However, if you fail to review them annually, your employees might get so obsessed with what’s trending on Twitter that they miss their deadlines. That would impact productivity […]

Should you fear government surveillance?

Accusations of inappropriate government surveillance have been swirling after Wikileaks recently released thousands of pages supposedly detailing the CIA’s exploitation of compromised devices and applications. But in today’s climate, every headline needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Read on to find out what’s actually at stake and why you probably don’t need […]